Pain of Salvation — Entropia

18 Августа 1997

Записан весной 1997 в Roasting House Studios (Мальмё, Швеция).

Релиз состоялся в 21 августа 1997 на лейбле Avalon, переиздан на Inside Out Music в 1999-ом.

Продолжительность — 70 минут 42 секунды.

Обложка — Patrik Larsson/Peel Productions.

Буклет Entropia

Интерпретация альбома Entropia. Источник — рассылка The Concrete Lake, 2000.

Хронологический порядок песен:

  1. Winning a War
  2. Oblivion Ocean
  3. Plains of Dawn
  4. Void of Her / To the End
  5. People Passing By / Circles
  6. Nightmist
  7. ! / Leaving Entropia

Даниэль Гильденлёв: "Я бы не хотел вмешиваться в процесс, он очень интересен и занимателен. Я могу только отметить, что некоторые элементы, которые поначалу должны были стать частью повествования, стали непонятными и ненужными, потому что временные метки, первоначально призванные указывать на хронологический порядок, в конечный вариант буклета не вошли. Это может также посодействовать вам в понимании Stress и Revival. Разгадка в том, что только сын (героя) погибает во время войны (соответственно, и в тексте содержится намек на последующую ситуацию конфликта с Богом — означает ли, что его молитвы услышаны, если его жена осталась в живых, но сын погиб?). Он вместе с женой переселяется на запад Энтропии, чтобы начать все заново, защитить ее, удержать около себя, о чем говорится в Oblivion Ocean.

Концепция этого альбома настолько сложна, что ее достаточно трудно понять. Он о семье в ситуации войны, об отце, которому не удается защитить свою семью, о ребенке, которому нужен отец, а не военный, об обществе, которое убивает и не принимает к себе, а затем лишает своей поддержки оставшихся, потрясенное тем, что с ним стало. Он о мире, который я решил назвать Энтропия; название является комбинацией двух слов — энтропия и утопия. Энтропия — это термин термодинамики, объясняющий следующую теорию — энергия вселенной неизбежно расходуется, так как когда энергия используется, частота волн непрестанно увеличивается. Все, что мы делаем, чтобы навести порядок в определенной ситуации, усиливает разрушения и хаос на более высоком уровне; если привести простой до смешного пример: ты пылесосишь дом, чтобы привести его в порядок, и в то же время создаешь беспорядок во вселенной, расходуя ее энергию. Человек, который понял это, покончил с собой. Утопия – это картина идеального общества. Энтропия подозрительно напоминает наш мир.

Однако новое незнакомое общество становится и новым врагом, и вновь ему не удается сделать то, что он считает своей главной целью – защитить своих близких. Еще разгадка — Plains of Dawn можно рассматривать как соединение прошлого и настоящего (возрождение прошлого в настоящем, чтобы примириться со своим чувством вины). Мне нравится читать ваши интерпретации, и я надеюсь, что своими замечаниями не сильно влияю на ваше понимание, потому что мне не терпится узнать, что произойдет с вашими интерпретациями дальше. Я польщен вашим вниманием к моим текстам."

Повествование начинается с Winning A War, текст которой достаточно прост и понятен, и где появляются три персонажа (отец, мать и сын). В их счастливую жизнь вмешивается война, в которой отец должен принять участие ("faceless men came shouting about a pride to which we were bound"), что приносит сыну несчастье, хотя он и пытается сделать все возможное ("I won''t shed a tear - I won''t show no fear"). В Oblivion Ocean сын, а возможно и мать ("the soldier was watching them both fade away"), каким-то образом заболевают или получают ранения (предположительно из-за войны), и отец вынужден смотреть, как они страдают, надеясь на то, что их можно спасти.

К несчастью, ни один из них не остался в живых; гибель сына описана в Plains Of Dawn ("a soldier is leaving his son once again" – отец покинул сына, уходя воевать, и точно так же он должен покинуть его навсегда). Гибель матери и ее влияние на отца показаны в To The End. Отец к этому моменту впал в отчаяние, возможно, даже лишился рассудка от горя. Его состояние через некоторое время после смерти близких описывается в People Passing By ("rejecting the facts one more day" – похоже, он еще неокончательно примирился с их смертью).

Nightmist, должно быть, о конце его жизни, когда он боится расстаться с жизнью и не уверен в том, есть ли что-то за ее пределами (это расходится с его уверенным настроем в Plains Of Dawn, где он, кажется, верит во что-то высшее). "!" и Leaving Entropia рассказываются от лица автора, первое – что-то вроде ars poetica, где указывается на суть истории, последнее – заключение. Мне не удалось найти для Stress и Revival место в основном повествовании. Должно быть, они также даются от лица отца.

  1. ! (Foreword)
  2. Welcome To Entropia
  3. Winning a War
  4. People Passing By
  5. Oblivion Ocean
  6. Stress
  7. Revival
  8. Void of Her
  9. To the End
  10. Never Learn to Fly
  11. Circles
  12. Nightmist
  13. Plains of Dawn
  14. Leaving Entropia (Epilogue)

1. ! (Foreword)

Даниель Гилденлев, Даниель Магдик

WALK WITH ME! There are worlds to see!
Listen to me now — You. Listen to me now — You.
Do my words mean more to hear when I am standing here?
On a stage like all your silly idols do!
Open up your eyes — all. Let your walls and grins fall.
Would you reach for something new, if the crowds were reaching too?
Are you close enough to taste their tears at all?

Your hate is but a worn—out lover, sick and sear.
"RAPE ME AGAIN!" you beg in pain, dear friend
"but hey — just don''t stop!The stillness makes me scared"

Listen to my plain words.
That''s all you''ll get from me: Words.
The rest is up to you; would you dare to let me through?
Are you brave enough to leave me in control?''re all afraid...

I''m not afraid, I''m not afraid of you!
I''m not afraid, I''m not afraid anymore — I am a shipwrecked swept ashore.

Life won''t wash away your sins.
Life can''t wash away your guilt.
Life will only make your conscience...wilt!

Somewhere a child just died; yet another victim for man''s endless strife.

World could be better than this! There are so many ways to live (leave) a
Would you claim you live yours...right? Right?! NO!
TAKE A STAND! World is in your hand!

I''m not afraid, I''m not afraid of you!
I''m not afraid, I''m not afraid of you!
We''re just the same me and you.
The same me and you. (Walk with me!)
...I see myself in you...

2. Welcome To Entropia

инструментальная композиция

3. Winning A War

Once there was a world out on these fields, that was untouched.
Grateful for its love we thanked the earth that gave so much.
And oh, I loved it so!
Once there was a pair of eyes, unbroken just like my heart.
Belonging to a father and his son, now torn apart.
And oh, I loved him so!

"Why, mommy? Tell me why daddy is walking away — leaving me!"

I remember birds of pray, dark shadows piercing the ground!
Faceless men came shouting about a pride to which we were bound.
And oh, I searched for him so!
"Faith darling, have faith my son! Your daddy is winning a war..."
"...for you!"

Daddy need me, love and lead me.
Your superseding war won''t feed me!

Watch fathers and sons pale cling to their guns.
Marching line by line leaving reason behind.
Their eyes now tensed with fear; enemies are near.
But all armies are only fathers and sons...

Earth bleeding through their proceeding.
All greedy voltures are needing.
WAR! WAR! Dad — who is winning a war?
And dad — who is it for?
I won''t shed a tear — I won''t show no fear!
Won''t disappoint you dad (all greedy voltures need war)
...I''ll shut down...

...but daddy, I miss you so.
And I need you here — dad I''m alone here and

Daddy need me, love and lead me.
Your superseding war won''t feed me

4. People Passing By

<4>Часть 1: Awakening



A September sun emerges through clouds, chasing across the sky.
Thoughts are evoked behind detached eyes but people are just passing by:
With smiles for protection.
Unable to see
behind the creature that he seems to be.
Once he was a child with burning desires
with hopes and dreams of what was to come.
So he''s lost some faith but still there are fires
deep inside that he must drench to numb.

If we could try to share some of his wounds just for a while.
But we''re all just people passing by!


He''s searching through crowds for one that is gone.
Rejecting the facts one more day.
Talking too loud to silence the glow. Coldness becoming his way.
Empathy can''t reach through all that blame!
Smiles now forgotten, locked in their frames!
Now he''s counting time in beggings and bottles
fading away beneath old news.
So he lost a war: "will I be dead very long?"
He can still hear his voice through the coldness!

If we could try to ease some of his pain just for a while.
But we''re all just people passing by!

Часть 2: Memorials


Часть 3: Nightfall

Once he was strong, and filled with visions.
With life ahead he set his aims.
Then things went wrong.
Now his ambitions have turned to smiles conserved in frames.
Still could be strong could be a prophet!
He would teach truth to every man!
He''d see the light through every shadow, but Entropia denies he can!

He''s sitting numb while dusk is falling. Alone he whispers his "goodnight"

Turning away, when sleep is calling, from all the people passing by...

5. Oblivion Ocean

Sleep is too quiet
dreams are too painful
truth is the bed of this ocean of lies.
Sinking through layers of untouched oblivion
soaking from spirits but still far too dry.
Losing all barbed fences Lucid — no defenses
"Where is my mother?" the child asked the soldier.
The soldier was watching them both fade away.
Nine words create an oblivion ocean:
"Dad tell me, will I be dead very long?"
Losing all I lived for. Losing all I fought for.

Oh god if you save them I swear I''ll always hold them in my hand!
Oh god if you save them I''d take them west
we''d start again in the promised land.

When life is wearing thin we pray: the gods are close at hand when man is
astray. But when it all is said and done — is he to thank the gods for just
taking his son?

Sleep is too quiet, dreams are too painful
truth is the bed of this ocean of lies.
Words can create an oblivion ocean:
"dad tell me, will I be dead very long?"
Losing all I lived for. Losing all I fought for.

Oh god if you save them I swear I''ll always hold them in my hand.
Oh god if you save them I''d take them west
we''d start again (then) in the promised land.

6. Stress

(watching corners and crossing watching all the red lights watching the
stress watching beggars and bankers and rushing cars I''m drowning in this
mess)Help me! Rescue me! Save me! Set me free! (watching all the stress)

It is strange — among all people I feel alone. Very strange — despite the
sun I''m cold to the bone!
If this is progress let me out!

Up on the rooftops I feel alive — lovely detached from the human hive.
Up on the rooftops I feel so free.
Far from the city that''s suffocating me. (watching corners and
crossings watching all the red lights watching the stress watching
beggars and bankers and rushing cars I''m drowning in this mess) IS THIS
I believe: beneath the surface we turn to stone.
Can''t you see? You meet your neighbors over the phone!
I''m awake — watch me! I''ll escape — watch me!
If this is progress help me to regress!

Alone by the ocean I feel alive — lovely detached from the human hive.
Alone by the ocean I feel so free.
Far from the city that''s suffocating me.

YOU live too shallow act too deep! Fail to sow but proudly reap!
...and you still need MORE!
Indians show us where you''re from
STRESS indicates what we''ll all become!

In time you''ll awake!
In time you''ll escape!
In time you''ll awake!
You''ll see what''s at stake!
IS THIS WHAT WE WANT? this what we NEED?

7. Revival

An eye for an eye.
A tear for a tear.
A lie for a lie.
The weak dress in hatred to hide their fear.

We cling to symbols for our mind — hour by hour we''re losing us.
Defenceless for the weak to bind — second by second abusing us!
A wound for a wound.
By silence we breed.
Learn the hate that keeps us blind, from the hands that hit and feed!
Children teach each other pain — hour by hour they''re learning it.
Dreamers in the wheel of reign — second by second we''re turning it around:

Closing the books of the prophets.
Closing our eyes for the visions that die
and then we weep...
"Why do I still need to cry, when I''m so happy now?"
Saviors come forth in times of need.
Prophets seek me — for you will bleed!

Cry little lonely world cry!
I won''t close my eyes.
I''ll be your tears when you''re dry, pouring to the ground

Scar by scar
we''re all becoming seeking prophets now.

I won''t bear the cross one step further!
I won''t bear your hate any longer!
Free I will rise!
(Come to me now — feel the revival. Follow me now — join the revival)

See me
believe in me
hear me — I''ll speak to you.
You are the prophets come forth and I''ll bleed for you!

I''ll bleed for you...

8. Void Of Her


9. To The End

(Sorrow turned into hate. Anger became a thread, to climb with faith.
Tasting the life she shed)"Time will heal" they told him — just if they
knew his pain.
"Time kills!" he whispered.
Not a word: they watched him leave again.
Grief need not her grave — nothing left to save.
She went up with the sunrise that day, planned her future as every day.
Spent her last minutes in tomorrows she would never experience.

Live your life each day, meet the tides my friend.
We''re all nomads forever on our way: a journey to the end! (She walked
there every day without even knowing it was the place to which she was
going)If you knew the number of the steps you would ever take, bitter I
wonder: would you run or cease to walk?
For her sake he lived — nothing more to give.
Looking back now, he could have saved her
but there''s no one left to save him.
''Cause we''re all walking in tomorrows we may never experience.

Live your life each day, meet the tides my friend.
We''re all nomads forever on our way: a journey to the end!

So now he has knowledge but what has he won?
All pages are empty — he''s already gone.
He lost what he lived for and losses won''t mend:
alive just to enter a journey beyond the end.

10. Never Learn To Fly

Japanese bonustrack

When I was a little child, I once found a bird lying on the ground.
It would not ever fly again.
I held the bird up in my hands, I shed my tears over the lovely song that
not longer could be heard.

Never learn to fly.

With dirty hands I dug a hole and gently laid the bird to rest in soil:

a wound in the tear stained mud.
My tears wore rain as I revealed the secrets of a tree.
A cross of bark to speak through wooden grains:

"never learn to fly"

I sang a song which I remembered my grandma used to sing
for me, when I was sick and laid in bed.
Then I cursed that day for showing me my own mortality
for then I knew that all that lives turns cold. Cold and dead.
And now time has passed by beneath my wings.

That was then I''m older now, but still I can''t forget that rainy day.
I raged against the ending times, though some day soon my son will maybe
find the tree I cleansed of skin.
No chain—sling will ever climb its rotten limbs.
And when the time has come for me to die, I want to lie beside that bird.

Never learn to fly.

When I was a little child, I once found myself dying on the ground
and now I''ll never

11. Circles

( he''s counting time in beggings and bottles fading away beneath old
news so he''s lost some faith, but still there are fire deep inside that he
must drench to numb ...deep inside, that he must drench to numb...)

12. Nightmist

Cold winter winds blow away autumn leaves now.
Misty world fades away before my blinded eyes — WHY?
Now when I stand at the end of the line, I cling to life when I should
decline. I always thought I would welcome this day, but now when it''s here
— could there be a heaven behind that gate?
Love or hate?

WAIT! my side. Count the seconds till I die.
Hold my hand.
Smile and tell me that you care, ''cause I''m scared now.
Now when I stand at the end of the line, I cling to life when I should
decline. I always thought I would welcome this day, but now I can see: is yet a bird of pray!

God, hear my voice!
I turn to thee — you''ve got to tell me: what will become of me?

OH GOD! Hear my voice! Tell me there are no questions.
Please give me a few more hours of this flair life...
As I am leaving, alone and afraid, I''m thinking of all the mistakes I''ve
made. I wish of my heart I could change only one!
I''d want to say "sorry" just one more time before I am GONE! (gone)

13. Plains Of Dawn

"I''m here now, by your side" Sheltered from the cold, a soldier guards a boy.
Clocks are cutting as times pass by their pain
(bringing release through the book on his knees)
(keep trying, keep trying, keep dying inside)

"Hush now little child, it''s time to say goodnight.
Find rest in my lullaby this night
I''ll still be here when the nightmists draw near"
(blind figures controlling his life)
(keep falling, keep falling, keep falling down now)

"Have faith my son — reach for my hand and I''ll walk with you till the sun
goes down. Follow me now, we will meet again in your land.
(have faith my son) Now I''ll lead you home."

Opening stillness, reaching through illness. They walk in nightmist.
"Now, we meet again. I''m so close to you now. Again we laugh."

Where shallow waters reach for unknown mystic shores
they gaze at the horizon and smile

"Behold my son — reach for the vision that fills your mind, just let go and
run. Follow the path that was meant for you long ago. (behold my son) And
cross the plains of dawn."

Wordless questions, tearful confessions.
They meet at last now, when it is time to go separate ways
(fading pages) They have touched through ages.

"Remember me my son, it''s time to say...goodbye.
I''ll free you from your prison — now go!
You''re free now, the wave meets the shore!"
(keep running, keep running, keep running home kid)
(winning a war made him lose evermore)

"Farewell my son — the tubes that were straining you to a death within life
are gone. Wait for us, I and your mother will cherish you my son. I cry as
I''m watching you run across plains of dawn."

...and so through that evening a soldier is leaving his son once again
and a war has been lost...
Forlorn he is reeling, unmendably kneeling.
But fate leaves no choice: now he must close the book!

14. Leaving Entropia (Epilogue)

Walk with me
and see the world I see
it is our home
it''s where we all belong

life is flair
a brittle dress we wear
a fleeting sigh
but though pointless it may seem...
live as death were but a dream

you don''t have to walk their way
you don''t have to watch the show
you don''t have to play their game
and you don''t have to die to leave entropia

all remains...
forgotten smiles in frames
two fleeting lives cut down to pocket—size

walk with me
and change the world we see
we''ll cease to be
just people passing by
home is where we all get by

you don''t have to cry for more
you don''t have to have it all
you don''t have to win a war
if death is but a dream
then don''t let me...

...fall asleep