Pain of Salvation — Scarsick

22 Января 2007

Релиз состоялся 22 января 2007 на Inside Out Music.

Это концептуальный альбом о современном капитализме, материализме и консьюмеризме (потреблении). В примечании к буклету на CD издании указано что это вторая часть концепции The Perfect Element.

Последний альбом, на котором играл барабанщик Йохан Лангелл.

Буклет Scarsick

Сторона А: Его кожа против этого грязного пола


Резкая, жесткая ню-металлическая вещь аля Diffidentia и со схожим смыслом: как же меня все это достало! Меня уже тошнит от того, что вы называете реальностью, от ваших суперзвезд, травести и того, что вы называете свободой. Вы, сообщество счастливых трутней, каждого из которых с хитрющим оскалом на лице убеждают, что он не один — мне плохо от всего этого.


Здесь в «популярной» и понятной всем форме Герой, от лица которого ведется повествование, презентует всем одну из «суперзвезд», которая, чесгря, опять напоминает мне Mr. Money из «Be». Здесь всем срочно нужно вспомнить однообразные клипы черных рэперов, заполненные крутыми тачками и голыми женскими задницами. Все вспомнили?
Так вот, ты, которого мы видим каждый день в детских машинках с золотыми моторами. Ты, которого знает весь мир (че, правда?), теперь ты хвалишься своими шестью черными Мерсами и жрешь Кристалл, точно также, как делают все они. Ты вообще знаешь кто ты такой? Сомневаюсь… Ты тот, кто нужен общественности, тот, которого сделали на потеху публике только потому, что именно такой сегодня нужен. Еще один клон, продающий свою уникальность. Всего лишь один большой плевок.


Слово "Crib" в данном случае является игрой слов, означающей как детскую колыбель, так и популярное в Америке шоу "Cribs".

Я устал от жалких дизайнеров интерьера, наркотиков, золотых гор. И все-таки, несмотря на Ваши имена на трусах и парфюме, бесконечных статей в газетах о вашей жизни, вы всего лишь люди. Успешные, хорошо одетые, здоровые, уважаемые, но всего лишь люди. Так что пошли они все в задницу: дорогущие кухни, постеры Аль Пачино, сигары Де Ниро, этих их новые нормы и их безликость и бумажники, которыми они устанавливают правила. Они всего лишь люди…


Опять обвиняем. На этот раз Джорджа, родного, Буша и всю Америку вместе с ним. Прикрываясь Богом и Библией, вы принесли в этот мир атомную бомбу, разжигаете бесконечные войны. Незатейливая у вас демократия, когда любая оплошность называется «правом». Эдакая новая форма свободы на основе вашего дохода, цвета кожи и вероисповедания. Страна удали и свободы, приветствующая тебя и меня. Ты в фаворе, Америка, на самом пике. А если я скажу, что люблю тебя, рискнешь ли ты ответить тоже самое мне?

Disco Queen

Герой забивает на свои страдания и пытается пожить маленько простыми удовольствиями, побыть в толпе, находит красивую деваху (притом не кого-нибудь, а популярную Королеву Диско, как он ее называет). «Ты далека от совершенства, но выглядишь очень непорочно». Вместе с ней они нюхают какую-то дешевую дрянь и, конечно же, занимаются сексом, причем в различных формах и позах ) Дэни описывает это очень поэтично ) В конце концов, удовлетворившись, Герой бросает свою использованную пассию и продолжает развлекаться…

Сторона Б: Почему я не могу закрыть глаза?

Kingdom of Loss

Я бы назвал эту песню «All On Sale». Она именно про это. Про то, что кто-то продает машины™ из последнего Бонда™, кто-то игрушки™ из дешевого мультика, кто-то себя, кто-то Человека™ из Белого Дома™ ) И именно так, с указанием торговой марки практически на каждом существительном. Кто-то продает нам Бога™, кто-то войну™ и так далее, по нарастающей. При этом герой недоумевает: «Кто-нибудь объяснит мне что происходит? Мы платим за фастфуд, чтобы стать жирными и вечно усталыми, потом платим за лифты, чтобы не подниматься на три ступеньки. Странно, но если это не приводит к победе, то что же тогда приведет? А если кто-то в этом мире сможет дать мне вновь почувствовать волю к жизни, так скажите куда заплатить! А зачем нам все эти фастфуды и лифты? Они экономят время. И вся эта экономия уже превратилась в болезнь. Я могу только предположить, что мы сделаем со всем этим временем и деньгами, потому как думаю, что билеты в ад очень дороги, и почему-то все стремятся купить их первыми. Мы перестали слушать друг друга, так как заняты тем, что покупаем войну, собственную безопасность, страховку, постоянно что-то покупая».
А если ты выискался такой, что рушишь все наши представления о мире, то делай это понежнее, ведь там, внутри наших душ еще осталась любовь и мечты, которым рано или поздно суждено умереть.

Mrs. Modern Mother Mary

Стремление к популяризации и зарабатыванию денег приводит к тому, что религию мы теперь тоже продаем и платим за нее деньги. И что там Ваш Бог, зачем он нам нужен, если он ограничивает наше мышление, нам очень хорошо живется и без него.
Честно говоря, не совсем понял, что же на самом деле хотел сказать Гилденлоу этой песней. Если кто понял — подскажите, пллз…


И вот, в своей маленькой голове Герой вступает в битву. С одной стороны — вышеописанный мир: «Закрой глаза, расслабься, поверь в ложь, когда проснешься — будешь такой же, как мы. Поверь с нами в этот рай». А с другой стороны его разум, который просто не желает это принять: «Ну почему же я не могу закрыть глаза и поддаться гипнозу, почему меня не очаровывает все это? Да потому что я умею видеть и вижу всю эту искусственность мира, вижу все его несовершенство. Так закройте же мне глаза и дайте уснуть…»

Flame To The Moth

Я так соскучился по солнцу, ласкающему мое лицо, в моем сердце бушуют ураганы. Так что с этого момента я перестаю сопротивляться.
Когда-то я был голубоглазым, умным и жаждал нового. Теперь, когда я увидел эту темную эру лжи, мои глаза почернели. Они полны печали, горят злостью и страстью, поэтому я останавливаюсь. Я буду первым, кто пошел против этих правил, но последним в списке тех, кто умер за свои идеалы. Один маленький шаг для человека… может быть, в этот раз я полечу? Мы все учимся сначала плакать, а потом улыбаться. Сначала говорить правду, а потом лгать. И в то время, когда вы склоняете свои головы перед миром, который построили, я буду стоять на своем и скажу «Нет»!

Enter Rain

Песня человека, летящего вниз с крыши высотного здания…
Он «входит в дождь», становясь, тем самым, единым целым с ним. Он видит его глазами разных людей: нищего ребенка, который просит милостыню под дождем, мудрых и уважаемых людей, чьи глаза пусты. А на асфальте под ним расцвела уличная роза, приветствуя дождь. Ты никогда не вспомнишь моего имени. Но я все равно буду любить тебя…
Улица, залитая кровью
Через две секунды я ударюсь об землю
Музыка затихает, на заднем фоне слышны полицейские сирены. Когда они стихают, тихо-тихо играет райская музыка…

  1. Scarsick
  2. Spitfall
  3. Cribcaged
  4. America
  5. Disco Queen
  6. Kingdom of Loss
  7. Mrs. Modern Mother Mary
  8. Idiocracy
  9. Flame To The Moth
  10. Enter Rain

1. Scarsick

It's all SICK, I feel sick
I'll be sick, then it's fine
I'm conform to your norm
With a bucket full for me
I'll be free, finally
I will see what you mean with your freedom

This world you call home
Not alone, happy drone
Won't be sick of these cars
All these clothes, and these bars
All these sickening scars
I'll believe in the way
Of the stripes and the superstars

I will fall in line and obey
'Cause the price is so small
Almost nothing at all
If I'm just losing ME
Then the ideals and truths
Will follow naturally
Happily I will settle for
Your conformative apathy

If I could just get rid of this
Unsettling, uncomfortable
Bucket of insight and honesty
This SICK SICK SICK bucket of reality
But you see, see; this sick will stick
'Cause it's ME
It's ME

Step into the dark age of treason
Today the only voice of reason
Would have to be the sound
Of the soup of the season
Hitting ground
Hitting ground...

Feeling sickened by this fucking travesty
Is just a sign of sanity
You're not alone
And every time that you hurt
Every cut, every scar
And every time you just hate
Everything that you are
It is simply the instinct to flee
To escape from this mess
This continuous rape
Of what's true and what's real

So you gnaw at your paw
To get out of this trap
Of the cage, of our time
All that rage
Is your struggle to survive
They think you wanna die
When in truth you just strive
Biting every hand
Just to stay alive

But can you hear that sound
In your ear, growing louder and louder?
The whole world around you
A pounding and grinding
That tells you that you're not alone
It's the sound of thousands and thousands
Of vixen teeth
Hitting BONE

Step into the dark age of treason
Today the only voice of reason
Would have to be the sound
Of the soup of the season
Hitting ground...

Of these bars and these cars
I feel sick
You are making me sick
So sick
You are making me sick
It's all sick
We're all sick
You are making me sick

Soup of the season
Hitting ground

2. Spitfall

1: Introducing Star

(We saw you every day)
with your hands on your crotch and so much to say
You went from bouncing toy cars with golden motors
To neon striped BMWs and a court of drugged up nodders and quoters
Namefucking fame on all photos,
All cheered on and applauded by even richer promoters
Now when you're a star, when you've reached this far
And the world really knows who you are
You show off your six black Mercedeses and drink Cristal like they all do
And the poor outside your gates appall you,
And the only hood you see is the one on your car
Do you even have a clue as to who you are?
Bro, I don't think so
I mean Mercedes, what a stiff old dull fart's republican shit car
Sick of hearing you preach to the poor like before,
Only now you're a coward, only letting TV through your door
Getting older, take a bow and just go
The rage on the stage getting colder like your hits on the chart,
But then the talk shows can still get you hard
Doin' rhymes on your prime time fistfights
And spittin' grime in the limelight like a star gets a chip off your shoulder,
A boulder that rolls and rolls over and over and over

There's nothing like a broken childhood
There's nothing like a broken home
There's nothing like a tale from your hood
There's nothing like a record of restriction orders
Outspoken borderline disorders, a violent long way to the top
The longer that you fought yourself up, the longer the spitfall

2: Thus Quote The Craving

You're so fucking lost that with all of the costs
You still don't see that in reality
The one thing you fail to buy yourself is a personality
You're trapped in a mould of the rap, you sell but you're sold
I mean, can't believe that you're paying all that gold to some home decorator that hands you buckets of conformity
Seems you're losing your way together with your policy man,
Ending up with a new definition of poverty - it's a joke
Like those you make in every video to reach the kids with the dough,
With every copied "aha yo" and worn out "bro"
Guess what we need is yet another clown who can feed our breed with another look and hooker hook
Now when "bitch" is mundane you take the lead with "wassup ho" and let TV blur your mouth once more
Just what we need in every store, thus quote the craving: "forever more!"
You're so right - a shiny knight on a white steed, truly a hero
Yeah right
Fuck you - fuck you right down to the core!
You know what? You're just another "Parental Advisory" bore!

There's nothing like a broken childhood
There's nothing like a broken home
There's nothing like a tale from your hood
There's nothing like a record of restriction orders
Outspoken borderline disorders, a violent long way to the top
The longer that you fought yourself up, the longer the spitfall...
When you're rappin' your shit y'all

3: Redefining Vomatorium

I guess when you're that loaded you'd better empty the barrel
Every chance you get, is that so?
Empty your word and pose magazine, in magazine after magazine,
Let every shot go, let the shit flow
'Cause the show must go on and on and on - you're it bro!
But it's sad to know, when your star implodes, all that shit hits the fans, just like your words back when you shone
But it's getting late in the game, trapped in repeating your name, again and again,
Like you're scared we'll forget it
Can't blame you, apart from that name you're all embarrassingly the same, it's so lame - can't you get it?
And perhaps you are right in that fear - more sane than you appear in your self deploring cock obsessive koks delirium
But I say, to me you just redefine the old romans' vomatorium

There's nothing like a broken childhood
There's nothing like a broken home
There's nothing like a tale from your hood
There's nothing like a record of restriction orders
Outspoken borderline disorders, a violent long way to the top
The longer that you claim that you have fought yourself up, the longer the spitfall...

4: Man Of The Masses

You're a man of the masses, took all the classes
Their asses are yours
All those bores who are paying the bills for your palace uphills
And your pills that will help you proceed in your greed
You are free of the chains that you need on your fans to adore, to kneel down before you,
More precious to you than your brains and your hands
They live for you!
If you could just see this old tree, this patriarchic hierarchy, up where you want to be, you need miles of roots to lick your boots
Don't you see?
You're a man of the masses, you need all those asses, their fate to relate to the one that you were
Do you know who you are? Who are you? Not the one in your words that they buy
They concur,you conquer, though a natural flunker,
You need them to stay not fly, to obey like the dogs that they are, the cogs under the hood of your Mercedes car
They will pay for your trip to the stiff upper lip
You're a man of the masses, your trip is a journey through classes
You are high, they are low, and you need it to be so
See, without them you'd be nothing more than before, and you know that's not much
It's just or unjust such: just a sad little man... with his hand on his crotch

There's nothing like a broken childhood
There's nothing like a broken home
There's nothing like a tale from your hood
There's nothing like a record of restriction orders
Outspoken borderline disorders, a violent long way to the top
The longer that you fought yourself up, the longer the spitfall...
The longer the spit falls...
When you're rappin' your shit y'all

5: YO

You're just another "Parental Advisory" sticker surfing beach boy

3. Cribcaged

The only cribs that we should care for
Are the ones that we are here for
The ones belonging to our children
That do that we do, scar from our wounds

The only cribs that make a difference
Where the magic really happens
Don't come with a Mercedes Benz
Or a wide screen showing nothing
Showing nothing...

I'm sick of home control devices
Sick of sickening home designers
Sick of drugs and gold and strip poles
Sick of homies, sick of poses

Despite the nodding staff that serves you
Despite your name on clothes and perfume
Despite the way the press observes you
You're just people... you're just people...

Successful people
Dressed up people
Smiling people
Famous people
Red carpet people
Wealthy people
Important people -
But still just people

So fuck the million dollar kitchen
Fuck the Al Pacino posters
Fuck the drugs, the gold, the strip poles
Fuck the homies, fuck the poses
Fuck the walls they build around them
Fuck the bedroom magic nonsense
I don't want to hear their voices
As long as they vote with their wallets

Fuck the silly "throw you out" joke
Fuck the framed cigar DeNiro smoked
Fuck their lack of originality and personality
Fuck this travesty
Fuck this new norm
Fuck conformity
Fuck their Kristal
Fuck their sordity
Fuck the way they fuck equality
Fuck their freebie gear
Fuck the ones they wear

(you're just people - you're just people...)

Successful people
Dressed up people
Smiling people
Famous people
Red carpet people
Wealthy people
Important people -
But still just people

Messed up people
Shallow people
Stupid people
Plastic people
Meta people
Theta people

Oh, fuck the ones they wear

I'm cribcaged

The only cribs that we should care for
Are the ones that we are here for
The ones belonging to our children
That do what we do, scar from our wounds

4. America

You brought us the a-bomb in so many ways
Endorsed by God and The Book
So God loves a war monger?
Hey Mr. Blix: forget Iraq and the time it took
'Cause I know just where to look

"Could we have a vote please?"

They came with a song - America
They wouldn't stay long - America
We are America
God bless America
God bless America and Capitol Hill
'Cause no one else will

So now you are scared
The Arabs will kill for their god
Like you do for yours?
Protect your obesity with your life man
Hey - Angry God or Diet Coke?
Who cares it's all a joke

"Heil homo pecuniae"

Saving us yet another time
Earning a buck on every dime
Sick of America
Sick of America
Sick of America and Capitol Hill
Moving in for the next kill

Did you say "I love you"?

A simpler democracy
Where every flaw and failure is called a "Right"
A new form of freedom
Based on your income, your color, creed
And your choice of gun
But it provides great fun

"Dr. Phil or Oprah?"
"Letterman or Leno?"
"Idol or Big Brother?"

(we'll be back after this short break)

It could have been good America
It could have been great America
Land of the brave and free
Welcoming you and me
But this Brave New World is not as new anymore
Each day a new store
Each year a new war
While chosen whites rule the poor America

Oh, America
Don't you walk out on me?
Just wait a second now
Please hear me now
Oh... I'll do my best to love you
Oh yes I will
I know you're out there
Raise your voices
Don't let them ruin your reputation
Don't let them wreck your constitution
Not out of fear
Not out of greed

But you had a good run America
Your day in the sun America
Hello British Empire
Hello Roman Empire
Hello Soviet
There is a new kid in town
Joining the gone down
Finding what you found
Treading your worn - worn down ground

Rise to your former glory
Be brave and warm
Oh America

If I say I love you
If I say I love you
If I say I love you
Dare you love me too?

5. Disco Queen

One: Tonight I'll Fall

Tonight I'll fall, looking for something wonderful yet casual
Extraordinarily temporal, and there you are - let's go!

You hooked me on the dance floor
So here I am, back for more

You seem experienced, just an inch too keen on getting exposed
Having your face in every magazine
You're far from being unique but you still look pristine
Mundanely exotic, like the French cuisine

My Disco Queen - let's disco...

Two: A Cheap Sellout Drug

You're a cheap sellout drug on everyone's lips
Covered every day, done every way, a whole world at your hips

A bar to fit, the beats you take
Another hit and you will break

Undressed in front of me, all glistening ebony
You're still so young, but I will show you vintage 33
I lay you on your back - inviting curves of black
Making little noises as my needle finds your track

My Disco Queen - let's disco
Disco Queen - let's disco...

Three: A Tighter Groove

You leave me wanting more, panting on all four
I know there's more to pluck, and so I go for the encore

I am turning you around, to play your other side
A tighter groove, I want it but I tremble, slip and slide

Baby, you're just what I need
You purr when I make you bleed

I pump you till you cry - feel so alive
I crank you up and switch to 45

A screaming climax chord, I give you all I've stored
A moment's silence and you're filled up, yet emptier than before
Oh - that subtle little sound as I am pulling out
A finished dish upon my plate is what it's all about

A square round of greed
You surrendered to the rhythm, spinning around your hole
Disco made you famous but tonight you tasted soul

I pumped you till you cried - felt so alive
I cranked you up and switched to 45
You are just begging for more
But I unlock the door

(tonight I'll fall...)

You're old news now and so I leave you trembling on the floor...

Four: My Disco Queen

My Disco Queen...
My Disco Queen - let's disco...

6. Kingdom of Loss

Someone sells us Toys™ in a cheap cartoon
Someone sells us Cars™ in the latest Bond™ that's coming soon
Someone sells us Trends™ through a sitcom star
Someone sells Herself™ in a docu-soap that goes too far

Life™ on sale!

"Could someone please just tell me what happened?
I mean, first we pay for fast-food that will make us all fat and tired.
So then we pay for elevators, so we won't have to climb the three stairs up to our apartments.
Then we buy freaking stairmaster™ machines
So we can burn away while watching someone make real food on TV.
Now, if that doesn't make us winners I don't know what will.
I bet we would hang ourselves if the world would just cut the slack.
And now you think maybe you should see a shrink,
Help you feel alive again - yeah, that's a plan!
Just tell us who to pay.

Someone sells us Man™ in a White House™ speech
Then Woman™ tightly pressed between two bouncing breasts, on a Baywatch™ beach
Someone sells us Us™ everywhere I turn
Then introducing Them™ to earn stock-points on our concern

All for sale, all for sale

Welcome down to planet Earth™
Please don't ask us what it's worth
You will notice that the world you found
Is slightly tattered and worn down

Someone sold us every stain
Now if you wish to complain
There's an open spot at 6 PM
It's when Caucasia is listening

If you're tearing down my world
Please just try to do it gently
There is love inside
For a dream that has to die

"See, it's really all about time and choice.
The fast food saves us enough time to squeeze lunch in exactly when we want it.
The elevators save us just a little more, the StairMaster™ lets us choose exactly when to walk the stairs.
Time is so important these days, it's becoming a fucking disease, and I guess in a way it is since it's bound to kill us all in the end.
Now with all the time and money we stash away on others' expense,
I can only assume that the tickets to hell are really expensive.
For some reason, it's important to be first in line."

Someone sells us God™ in 2-for-1 with Shame™
Someone sells us War™ and the marketing looks just the same
Someone sells us Fear™ on TV each day
a shape for every taste; if the flavour's right, we gladly pay

All on sale,
We're all on sale,

Welcome to the only Earth™
Please enjoy your only birth
You will learn to take more than you give
Buying scars you must live with
Someone sold us every scar
They somehow made us what we are
We all want that spot at 6 PM
But no one is really listening

No - not anymore
We're all too busy buying Sex™, buying War™
Buying Self-confidence™, Security™, Insurance Plans™
Just buying More & More™

As you're tearing down our world
Please just try to do it gently

There's still love inside
For the dream that has to die

As you're tearing down our world

7. Mrs. Modern Mother Mary

(We'll cut you down to size)
There is a woman burning at the center square
Raven black eyes and long let out hair
Screaming, while cloaked vultures holier-than-thou circle and glare
At sweat drops on pale skin like satin
And as the raging flames work her into cinder
Said in their defence:
Stupidity and ignorance, prejudice and intolerance
All sound so much wiser when dressed up in Latin

Life will never be the same
I have a bigger world since I found God
Truth will never be the same
I'm in a righter mind since I found God
(I found God)
I found...

Mrs Modern Mother Mary, all pale and weary
From raising her overweight kids in the outskirts of Suburbia
On a nice Christian gender based salary
And a church she can merely attend
And there on the flip-side of Caucasia we see
Miss Modern Mary Magdalene gone Deep Throat
On international cable TV

So you keep talking about progress and equality
But to me, the crusade is still on my friend

Silly me who always thought
Life was for the living
And giving in to lust
Was all to give and to be given

Life will never be the same
I have a better view since I found God
Guilt will never be the same
I'm on a higher ground since I found God
I found God...

Life will never be the same
I have a better view now
There's always someone else to blame
I'm on the winning team now
Death will never be the same
I'm in the faster lane now
No more am I the one to blame
I have a juster cause now

Love will never be the same
Lust will never be the same
Shame will never be the same
I will never be the same
You will never be the same

8. Idiocracy

Cold skin
Black mind
Blue light
Shut down
All white

Cold fact
Core mine
Black gold
All sold

We're waiting, so close your eyes
Relax and take a deep breath now
Believe the lies
When you wake up you'll be democratized

Cold pin
Blood crust
Damp sheets
Stale smiles
Sick bed

Gone wrong
Blue lights
Bring me home

We're waiting, so close your eyes
Relax and take a deep breath now
Believe the lies
When you wake up we'll all seem nice
So close your eyes
Just take another deep breath now
And fantasize
Pretend the world we're forming
Is a paradise

Why can't I close my eyes?
Why can't I just be hypnotized,
Industrialized and privatized?
All mesmerized

'Cause I can see
And what I see around me makes me paralyzed
Yes I can see
And what I see is not worthy a democracy
It's uncivilized
So please close my eyes
I don't want to see this undemocratic,
semi-automatic mediocracy and hypocracy
Pretending we're free
Under plastic flags waving dependency
For this idiocracy

Close my eyes...

9. Flame To The Moth

I long for the summer
I long for the sun, gently touching my face
I'll open my eyes, let it burn every splinter
Unleash desert storms on its way to my heart

And I had this coming every day of my life
This is where I stop fighting, eyes open wide

You took this blade and cut a wreck
And in one blow laid bare your neck
Where did we go wrong?

I once had blue eyes, hungry and wise
Now they are black from this dark age of lies
We're all privatized, industrialized
We capitalize on the beams in our eyes
It's all in the eyes

Eyes - tearing with sorrow
Burning with anger and passion and lust
The swift wind of thought
Of wildness and laughter
The soil of defiance
The firm ground of trust

(we had this coming - every day of our lives)
(we should start fighting for eyes open wide)

But I am put here, in this world gone insane
Where everything's for sale
From nature, over stars down to DNA
Then I can gladly say
That I'd be the first to break that norm
Any day, any way
And the last to join the ranks
To hunt down the Daily Threat
Or any other brand of prey

You took this blade and cut a wreck
And in one blow laid bare your neck
Where did we go wrong?

We once had blue eyes, probing the skies
Now they are blackened from this modern life
All privatized, industrialized - a failure
Offensive and sore to the eye

One small step for man
Maybe this time I'll fly
And if I hit the ground, it's the way we all die
We are wrecks of the cut
Soups of the season
With dollar sign scars
From this dark age of treason

We all know how to cry
Then we learn how to smile
How to smile
We're all telling the truth
Tell us the truth!
Then we learn how to lie
And oh, how we lie
Now we lie

When you bow your heads tomorrow
At the world we build today
I want you to remember
That I stood my ground and said no (say no)
I said no...
Say no!

10. Enter Rain


In just a year another storm will come
To wash away an inch more blood
Its lack of hatred, politics or creed
Left us blind, open wide, our gun hands tied
For this old world has seen the worst of us
Its love worn thinner by the day
And every ounce of havoc, that we wreaked upon it
Got the best of us, oh, and the rest is for us

Let it rain...
Enter rain...
Exit pain

In seven years ago I'll see a man
A moment stretched out over years
His eyes just flicker and then something changed
An empty cage, a crimson bud, sprung out in mud

Let it rain

In just ten minutes I will see a child
Buying milk all dressed up in rags
And without thinking he will cover up his naked hand
To the cold, oh, and that gives me hope

Let it rain...
Enter rain...
Exit pain


And the rain will wash us to the bone
Leaving thousands in its trail
Cleansing all the flesh wounds
Of our time, of every crime
Of every pound of dust and grime

In two seconds I will hit the ground
A moment stretched out over years
And my eyes will flicker and then something has changed
An empty cage, a crimson bud, a street of blood
A city rose sprung out to greet the rain

You'll never remember my name
But I will love you just the same
You'll never remember my name
But I love you just the same
Just the same
Just the same
You'll never remember my name
But I love you just the same
Just the same


Enter rain...
(a city rose)
(a street of blood)

In two seconds I will hit the ground...